My husband and I just returned from our honeymoon in Croatia. The land is beautiful, the food memorable, and the people extraordinary. Before leaving, I debated taking my professional work camera or our simple point and shoot. We decided to travel with backpacks and very simply so that led to the conclusion of our little pocket sized Canon.
As a professional photographer, I was so worried I would return feeling I had failed to capture the beauty and feeling of this once in a lifetime trip. I am so happy to say my worries are not reality. We have beautiful pictures. Pictures that didn't come at the price of constant worrying of loss or damage to the equipment I rely on to be a professional photographer. My professional set-up is ready for weddings, families, food, events, smiles/laughs, and the "art" that my little point and shoot just can't keep up with. There is a time and place for all types of technology.
The lesson I learned: you do not always need to have the biggest and
best to take beautiful photos. I love that there is always more to
learn, ways to get better in the world of photography. Jump in and be
willing to learn every time you take a picture.
Composition, creativity and an understanding of photography are all you need to take incredible pictures all around the world. That being said, I won't be shooting my next wedding with the point and shoot :) A time and place for everything.